Nursery Class Teacher - Mrs Thackeray Reception Class Teachers - Mrs Fowler & Mrs McConnell
Teaching Assistants - Miss Johnson, Mrs Greenwood, Mrs Whitehouse.
Lunch Time Supervisor - Mrs Chard
Start and finish times:
Nursery starts at 8:40am.
If your child is part time, they will finish at 11:40am.
Full time children finish at 2:40pm.
Class Dojo:
Please check Class Dojo regularly as we often send messages, updates and pictures out on there. If you need us please also don’t hesitate to send us a message.
Children will be provided with a healthy snack and access to water during the day.
Full time children will need to bring a packed lunch to school however if you would prefer your child to have a school dinner, you can pay and order using Parent Pay.
Reading Books:
Nursery children will be able to pick a story book to take home every week to read with their family. We will be giving each child a reading journal to keep any comments in and so we can hear all about your reading journey.
Nursery children do not need a PE kit as they take shoes and socks off.
Autumn 1 - Me and my families
Autumn 2 - Autumn Celebrations
Spring 1 - Winter Journeys
Spring 2 - Animals
Summer 1 - Growth
Summer 2 - Traditional Tales
Useful Links: Phonics Phase 1 Nursery Rhymes Maths Counting Games
Our classroom:
Last years learning 2022/23
What a busy half term. The nurse, the police, and the firefighters came to talk to us!
A fantastic start to the year the children have enjoyed a wide variety of activities
This half term our topic is: Pirates...