Year 5 this year have Mrs Duckworth and Mr Bowden as their teachers. Mrs Duckworth teaches Monday and Tuesday, with Mr Bowden teaching the remainder of the week. Our teaching assistant is Mrs Moorfield who is in class every day. . Mrs Stopford is our lunchtime supervisor.

 Summary of our learning and fun experiences so far:

  • Learning how to write persuasive arguments/letters
  • Learning how to calculate fractions of amounts
  • Learn all about climate change and how we can help to minimize its impact. 
  • Learning to swim
  • Learning to ride their bike on the street
  • A trip to Martin Mere - learning all about native British animals/animal life cycles
  • A trip to Jodrell Bank to learn all about space
  • A WHOLE weekend away at Robinwood
  • Preparing and cooking Spaghetti Bolognese from scratch
  • Exploring new art materials and being able to be more creative in art; using resources such as drawing ink and printing ink. 


On Wednesdays the children will have swimming. This is now held at Hyde Leisure Centre in a new purpose build facility. The children will be getting a bus there and back.. For this they will need swimming costume and a towel. The swimming instructors ask that boys wear trunks which do not go below the knee and girls wear a one piece swimming costume. No jewellery is allowed in the pool. The swimming instructors will not allow non swimmers to wear goggles and  only allow those who can swim to wear goggles if they have a note from parents showing a medical need.

We have our other PE lesson on Mondays. PE kit is white T Shirt and black or blue shorts. Children should wear trainers or pumps; hair should be tied back and ear rings taken out.. 


PE kit is a white T shirt and black or blue shorts or jogging bottoms with trainers or pumps. Jewellery should not be worn and long hair should be tied back for safety reasons.

If you have any difficulties with any of these please let us know and school will endeavour to assist. 

Water and Snacks

Please ensure you bring a water bottle to school every day. This should only contain water and not juice (Juice is allowed with a packed lunch to be drunk at lunch time). Children can bring in fruit or an appropriate healthy snack to eat at break time.

Reading and Homework

Please bring your reading books to school every day. All reading at home should be recorded in the child's reading record which is checked on most days. Children who do not get a chance to read at least twice a week at home will have the opportunity to do so on Friday break time.

Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be returned to school by Wednesday. Time will be provided  with an adult at lunchtime  Wednesday and Thursday for children who struggle to complete homework at home.

Tables and Arithmetic

It is vital that children know their tables (including the division inverse) and number facts in order to complete Year 5 Maths, assistance will be given to those struggling but if they can work on this at home it will invaluable for year 6. 

These websites can support your child with practising their timetables and division facts are below. Children have their own login for TTrockstars. If your child does not know theirs, this can be given to them again.


We communicate through Class Dojo if you need us do not hesitate to drop me a message. We are  also available at the end of the school day.


Our Current Learning:




Decimals and Percentages: Mrs Duckworth

Shape: Mr Bowden


Kensuke's Kingdom - Persuasive letters, arguments and debates



Isaac Newton/Poetry




Word Processing


Drawing using mixed media





Learn to compose music and read music notes; improvising to compose music 


 Why do some people believe in God?


Changing Friendships

