Hello Year 1 and welcome to our class page!


Our Teachers

In our class our teacher is Miss Blyth and our teaching assistant is Mrs Cooper. 
Our lunchtime assistant is Mrs Ballon.


Start and Finish Times

Door opens at 8.45am

Door closes at 9:00am.

Home time is at 3.15pm



Our P.E. days are Mondays and Fridays. Children can leave their PE kits in school on their pegs. Please bring this in a drawstring sports bag and avoid bringing large backpacks as we do not have room for this in our cloakroom.



Fruit is provided for free at break time, or you can bring in your own healthy snack from home. This could be some fruit, vegetable, rice cake etc. Every child should have their own water bottle for in class.

Reading Books and Homework

Please bring your Reading book(s) in every day, even when it's not your day to change your book. You should try to read for 5/10 minutes at home every night. If you read at home x3 times a week and get your adult to acknowledge this in your Reading Record, you will a sticker on your record chart.  The record books/diaries have a phonics section in the middle and a word list too that you can use to check off. Please practice these regularly. 


Homework and spellings are given out every Friday.
Homework is due in the following Wednesday and we have our spelling tests on Fridays.


On Thursdays we visit our school library where we can change our library book. Please remember to bring your library book into school every Thursday! This book is to read for pleasure. So grown ups/older children are welcome to read these books out loud to your child. 


Class Dojo

Please check Class Dojo regularly as we often send messages out on there. If you need us please also don’t hesitate to send us a message.  Each week we post a weekly update about our learning. 


Summer 1 Learning


In RE our big question is 'How and why do we celebrate sacred times?'

In PSHE we are learning about looking after ourselves.

In Computing, our topic is data and information - grouping data.

In Music, we are learning to sing a melody that has short and long rhythms and high and low sounds.

In Geography our topic is 'What is the weather like in the UK?'

In D.T we are learning all about nutrition by making fruit smoothies.

In History we are learning about toys in the past.

In Maths we are learning about multiplication and division, starting with counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

In P.E we have 2 topics, sending and receiving and target games.


Literacy texts this term: 

Lost in the toy museum

Paper Dolls


We are also getting ready for our phonics screening after the half term.


Things that you can do at home
Read every day! Practice phonics and tricky/high frequency words regularly to build up their sight vocabulary.  Read alien words too! 
Some online Maths games

Purple Mash

Purple Mash is our computing programme but the website also provides a wealth of activities to promote learning in all subject areas. Please let Miss Blyth know if you require your child's password.

Purple Mash by 2Simple

Have a look at some of the learning that has already taken place this year!