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Friends of Lyndhurst PTFA  - Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Events taking place Sept 21 - July 22

Wednesday 20th October 2021 - Halloween Fancy Dress Party

F&KS1 - 4.30-5.30pm

KS2 - 5.45 - 6.45pm


Wednesday 22nd October 2021 - Carved Pumpkin Competition


Wednesday 8th December 2021 - Christmas Fair



Wednesday 6th April 2022

Film Night

Time to be confirmed at a later date


Wednesday 20th July 2022

Summer Fair 

3.30 - 5pm

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Brief Minutes from meeting (28th April 2021)


  • To include photos after fundraising events on the events page after checking permission with parent/carer & a brief summary of the event and how much profit was taken.  
  •  A brief agenda will be added to this page before each PTFA meeting & a brief version of the minutes will be added to this page after each meeting.   
  • The following events are being organised to replace the Summer Fair (due to COVID)     
  • - Friday 11th June - Non-uniform day - children will be asked to donate sweets for a sweet raffle 

     - Monday 5th  July - Raffle tickets go on sale - 1 for Sweet Raffle & 1 for general raffle (£1 for a strip of 5 tickets)

     - Tuesday 13th July to Friday 16th July -Sponsored Obstacle Course to take place - Each class can take part (Sponsor Forms to be sent out Monday 28th June).            We ask that Sponsor money be in by Friday 23rd July


     - Friday 23rd July - Draw Raffles


     Possible future events discussed

  • Quiz - Sept/Oct 2021?
  • Clothing Swap
  • Sponsored Scavenger Hunt - Easter 2022?
  • Break the Rules Day



Brief Agenda for Wednesday 28th April 2021


  • Discuss ideas for fundraising to replace Summer Fair due to COVID
  • Possible School Lottery 
  • Possible future fundraising ideas