PHSE Intent 

At Lyndhurst Community Primary School, we recognise our school context and have designed our PSHE curriculum with the intent that pupils build secure understanding of themselves to become successful and thrive in modern society.

The school vision ‘Support, Challenge, Inspire’ is interwoven within our PSHE curriculum intent and design. Our curriculum is designed with three goals in mind:


In PSHE we encourage children to understand that PSHE is all about understanding who they are, what their role in society is and how everyone works together. We support children to understand how to be successful in navigating modern society and understanding how to reach their goals. We encourage children to take sensible risks and be open to trying new experiences to reach where they want to be in life. We support children to work together to solve problems both in the classroom and on the playground. Children are given opportunities to practise their problem-solving skills in safe spaces with the appropriate support from adults.



In PSHE we challenge our children to understand the wider world around them and how they have a direct impact and connection with it. We provide children with opportunities to challenge their view on the world around them in a safe space with supported adults. Through careful support we ensure that children are given the opportunity to try new experiences and support them through this, giving them the time to practise their emotional regulation skills and develop their self-esteem.



In PSHE we want to inspire our children to be the best versions of themselves. We inspire children to do this by giving them the opportunity to explore their dreams for the future and looking at how other people have achieved their dreams. We look at inspirational people from our local area, nationally and internationally in assemblies and in lessons to demonstrate to our children that everyone can achieve their goals if they try enough.


PSHE Curriculum Aims

In PSHE we aim to provide children with a spiralised curriculum, which is designed to give the children several opportunities to learn and practise the skills and knowledge given to them. Our PSHE scheme is based around the PSHE Association scheme with the aim of developing our children both emotionally and academically.

Our curriculum sets out progression within the key concepts of our spiralised curriculum. This ensures that teachers can see what they are building on and what their curriculum is leading into, supporting teachers to ensure that they can support their class appropriately.


