

In Reception and Key Stage 1, our History curriculum focuses on three main themes that enable pupils to gain historical perspective and make connections between people, places and events in history.  They study changes within living memory and events beyond living memory that are significant nationally.  As part of a local history study, pupils learn about the history of our school and how our high street has changed overtime.  In Year 2, some areas of study are 'Depth' units.  These units allow pupils to revisit prior learning and use historical enquiry to study the person, place or event deeper and wider.  The three themes that underpin learning in Reception and Key Stage 1 are:


Society: How was life the same and different for those who were rich and poor? 

Significance: Why do we remember? Why is it important?

Legacy: What do we have or know now because of this event/person/place?


In Key Stage 2, pupils continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British history through studying periods in chronological order from Year 3.  Using themes establishes clear narratives within and across the periods they study. The themes allow for connections, contrasts and trends over time to be discussed using historical terms. Pupils regularly address and sometimes devise historically valid questions about change, cause, similarity and difference, and significance.  The five themes that underpin learning are:


Society: Rich and Poor 

Settlements: tribes, civilisations, empire 

Conflict: War/Power and Reconciliation  

Significance : Why we should remember them

Legacy: What do we have or know now because of this event/person/place?


Throughout lessons, pupils construct informed responses that involve thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information. Pupils will answer the following questions about each period of history they study:


Who were they?  

Where did they come from?

Why did they come here?

How did their civilisation/empire develop/grow?

Why did they leave?

What is their legacy?

How do we know (sources)?



Vocabulary Progression