Curriculum Aims
At Lyndhurst Community Primary School, we recognise our school context and have designed our curriculum with the intent that pupils build the secure foundations required to become successful and aspirational adults who seek opportunities, take responsibilities as moral citizens and gain life experiences that extend their horizons.
The school vision ‘Support, Challenge, Inspire’ is interwoven within our curriculum intent and design. The breadth of our curriculum is designed with these three goals in mind:
Our school thrives on ensuring all children have the emotional literacy to take on the many challenges of the modern world. All lessons are aimed to build children’s self-belief and confidence. Learning is based on small steps; each built on the foundations of previous lessons. Children understand that struggling and making mistakes are part of the learning process and we are continually supporting them in their ability to become more resilient. In all areas of the curriculum, we encourage children to become independent learners and differentiate work to ensure that everyone can make progress whilst at the same time giving them as many opportunities as possible to work as pairs and teams; listening to and supporting each other.
At Lyndhurst we provide a broad and balanced curriculum that goes beyond the National Curriculum. We focus on challenging our children to think critically, problem solve and develop a love of learning. Lessons are designed to stimulate curiosity and develop a growth mindset. We challenge our children to become independent learners who are not afraid to push themselves beyond their comfort zone.
At Lyndhurst we ensure that all our children both inspired and inspire others. We offer a range of high-quality experiences, visitors and visits which open their eyes to a world and all it can offer. Lessons are based on links to the real world. Introducing the children to futures they may never have thought of; ensuring they are provided with the best possible cultural capital. We ensure that children have access to a range of high-quality texts both fiction and non-fiction and that
Science | History | Geography | Computing | Art |
Music | Design Technology | PE | PSHE | RSE |
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